Thursday 4 September 2014

Agenda's, Forms & Dismissal

Dear parents/guardians,
A kind reminder to those of you who have not yet returned the yellow Clairlea package containing school forms (i.e., walking excursion forms, lunchroom forms, medical information, etc.) to return it to myself by Friday, September 12th. Please make sure to check that you have filled out all of the components outlined on each form.

Thank you to all who purchased an agenda to facilitate communication. The agenda costs $8.00. For those who have yet to purchase one, a kind reminder that it is an indispensable tool for dialogue between parents and teachers.

Finally, a gentle reminder that all students who are registered to go on the bus afterschool will be going on the bus unless parents have provided a written note to myself or called the school to notify us that your child is being picked up. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


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