Saturday 13 September 2014

Les chansons de notre classe!

La routine du matin
Je me lève, je me lave
Je me brosse les dents
Je m’habille, je vais aux toilettes
Je quitte la maison
À huit heures, je prends le bus
Et je vois mes amis
Et quand j’arrive à l’école
Il est huit heures et demie

Les lettres de l'alphabet

Les couleurs

À la claire fontaine

“À la claire fontaine” is another classic French children’s song.  It is a song about parting someone you love, but never forgetting them.
I like singing along to this YouTube video because you can watch the story unfold as you sing along. The song relates to the Grade 1 students because they are now big kids who remain in school for a full day and do part from their parents/guardians and miss them but they never forget them.
The lyrics are at the bottom of the video (karaoke style).

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