Sunday 21 September 2014

Merci aux parents

Dear parents/guardians,
I would like to thank you for attending Curriculum Night. I am glad we were able to discuss strategies we can both use to help your child succeed in Grade 1 this year. As you are aware, Grade 1 is a big change for your child, hence I have provided you with a detailed package discussing routines, responsibilities, Tribes agreement, co-created classroom contract, and reading and phonics homework that will begin in October.
Please make sure to read over the package and return the signed copy of our co-created classroom contract.  
The first few weeks of school were pleasant. The students are an amazing group of kids!
We like to sing, dance, and play. We learned our Grade 1 routine activities: Le Calendrier, La Chanson du Jour, et le Tableau de Maths. That's not easy to do right away, but we are here to learn and we will work hard to know how to lead the morning routine independently and in French!!
I was amazed with the students' counting skills. We counted up to 100 en francais. Later on, we began riddles about numbers and illustrated our favourite chiffres (digits).We had our real recesses and lunches in the schoolyard. We are big kids now!
On the second week of school, the story of "La petite souris" intrigued us with all of the sounds containing the vowel "i". It was our mission to discover all of the words in our classroom that had the sound "i" through a fantastic game of "Simon dit".
We discussed what it takes to be a good member of our class and school community. Completing a bio-glyph activity helped us understand that each of us are unique as we have our own likes and dislikes. Showing respect for others, listening to and appreciating each others' opinions became our new goal in Grade 1.
Please feel free to talk to your child about our great experiences in class thus far and reinforce our discussion on being a good student in class.

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