Friday 26 September 2014

How to Start Our Day on a Positive Note

With the arrival of a new school year, we are encouraged to learn very important life lessons such as, "whatever energy we give off, is the energy we get back". As such, during a class discussion of a healthy body and mind, we shared many unique ways of starting our day with a positive attitude.

For all those days we wake up on the wrong side of bed and we aren't feeling quite ourselves, let these steps help turn a frown upside down!
Here we go....
Step 1
As you get up from bed, rise slowly and relax your neck, arms, and legs. Shake it all out.

Step 2
Do some stretches, sit-ups, squats or jumping jacks. This will keep you awake and will get you ready for the day.
*Or attend Running Club Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's.

Step 3
Don't skip the most important meal of the day- breakfast. Try to eat a healthy and balanced meal.

Step 4
Drink loads of water and bring a water bottle to keep you hydrated throughout the hot weather.

Step 5
Smile on your way to school. Your day will go fine. If you're worried about something, let it go! You can't tell how things are going to happen.

Step 6
Think of all the good things you will be experiencing during the day.

Step 7
Be confident in yourself and be proud of your achievements and talents- big or small.

Step 8
Be nice to everyone. Treat people with respect and you will get the respect you deserve.

Step 9
Have fun! You don't want to be constantly thinking about past negative events. Relax and enjoy yourself and you will be happier.

Step 10 
Go to bed early and always get enough sleep so you don't feel irritated in the morning.

We will begin talking about a "Feel Good Box" in our classroom. We will be doing "Show and Tell" (Montre et Raconte) presentations next week. Please ask your child to bring an item from home that makes him/her feel happy and to explain why. The performance scale (rubric) and script for the presentation will be discussed in class and sent home this week.

Feel free to share some of your daily routines for a healthy mind and body on the blog.

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